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These are the current participants of the Milinda Program.

Adrienne Chang

Adrienne Chang is a student in the tradition of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, co-leading Buddhist study and meditation retreats in North America, Europe, and online.

Arne Schelling

Arne Schelling has been a Buddhist since his teenage time, and got authorized as an instructor by his main teacher Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, and is now leadind and co-leading teaching and meditation programs on a regular basis.

Jan van der Breggen

Jan is a senior teacher in Rigpa Australia. In 2019, he was entrusted by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche and Mindroling Jestsun Khandro Rinpoche as one of the twenty-five, worldwide Rigpa Senior Teachers.

Lama Sherab

Lama Sherab Drolma (Andréa Lima) is Brazilian, and is part of Chagdud Gonpa sangha.

Miguel Oramas

Miguel lives in the Canary Islands. Since encountering the inspiration of the Buddhist wisdom in the year 2000 he has been exploring this rich path of study and practice, and presently contributes in the develpment of Rigpa national and international programs.

Rosey Hastings

Rosey Hastings has been studying and practising Buddhism since the 1980s. She has been entrusted as a teacher within the Rigpa sangha by Mindroling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche and Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche. She is based in London, UK.

Ana Cristina Lopes

Ana Cristina Lopes has been a student of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche since 2001. She is based in San Francisco, where she works for 84000 as a translator and researcher.

Carlo Carranza

Carlo has been studying and practicing the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for more than 23 years. His main teacher is Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. He was a monk for 10 years and has been an instuctor of Siddhartha's Intent since 2012.

Jane Packham

Jane has been studying and practising the teachings of the Buddha most of her life. She is also an artistic theatre director, loves nature and lives with her husband in a coastal village in Australia.

Lily Ng

Lily was born in Norwich, England and is of Hong Kong Chinese descent. She is a Rigpa teacher and works on developing Rigpa's path of study and practice. Lily also teaches at Rigpa Shedra and Abiding Heart.

Min Hsin Lu

Min Hsin Lu is a translator and Buddhist yogini based in Taiwan. She has been studying and practicing Buddhism since she was a child in both the Chinese Mahayana and Tibetan Vajrayana traditions.

Ruth Seehausen

Ruth encountered Tibetan Buddhism as a teenager and felt immediately attracted by its philosophy and path of practice. In 2019 she was entrusted as a Rigpa senior teacher. She lives near the Buddhist centre of Lerab Ling in France, and in Germany.

Anja Lang

Anja grew up in Denmark but has since lived and worked all over the world. She is co-leading buddhist retreats, teaching psychology and working as a clincal psychologist.

Hanna Ebinger

Hanna Ebinger went from a Buddhist upbringing as a 'Shambhala brat' to a B2B sponsorship career, then to diving into Buddhist meditation retreats, study, and the field of education.

Javier Torales Montero

Javier has been a Buddhist practitioner for more that 20 years and has served as a translator for more than 18. He has been entrusted as a teacher within Rigpa by Mindroling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche and Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche.

Luís Santiago Israel

Luís Santiago is a Brazilian lay disciple of the Buddha who lives in the Nyingma center Chagdud Gonpa Khadro Ling.

Pema Maya

Pema Maya is a student of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. She is based in Sydney, Australia, where she works for Khyentse Vision Project as an associate editor and manages the Training & Internship Program.


Ryan’s journey in Buddhism took him from studying in India and Sri Lanka as a teenager, to spending three years on retreat in France, to managing retreats in the U.S. He lives and works near San Francisco, CA.

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