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Khenpo Tashi Tseten

Khenpo Tashi Tseten

Khenpo Tashi Tseten is a khenpo from Namdrolling Monastery in South India who regularly teaches at the Rigpa Shedra in Pharping, Nepal at the request of Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche. Khenpo Tashi Tseten completed his 9-year lopön degree in Buddhist philosophy and practice at the age of 25 from the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (NNI), scoring first place in his class in each of the final three years of his study. He was awarded his khenpo degree in 2018. He is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant Nyingma scholars of his generation. He taught classes on grammar, poetry, Tibetan dynastic history, Pramana, Madhyamaka, Abhidharma, Prajnaparamita, and Vajrayana for five years at both of Namdroling’s monastic colleges for monks and nuns. He also assumed additional duties of managing the computer division and as an examination controller. In 2014 he was appointed the head secretary of Namdroling Shedra and a member of the NNI Board of Council. Khenpo is both a poet and author and has published two books, the first describes mandala offerings and the second presents the life and major activities of his root guru, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. Khenpo teaches in Tibetan the traditional texts of Buddhist philosophy using examples from everyday life and current events that help students internalize the most important points and bring their timeless wisdom into lived experience.

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